Friday, January 2, 2015

U.S. hits North Korea with huge new sanctions in response to Sony hack

The United States just struck back against North Korea
for its alleged role in the hack of Sony Pictures. In
official statement released on Friday, U.S. president
Barack Obama said he was signing an executive order
authorizing stiff sanctions against North Korea for its
“ongoing provocative, destabilizing, and repressive
actions and policies, particularly its destructive and
coercive cyber attack on Sony Pictures Entertainment.”
Bloomberg reports that the order targets 10 individuals
in North Korea along with three state agencies and
effectively authorizes the Treasury Department to
“block the individuals and agencies from accessing the
U.S. financial system and banning U.S. citizens from
engaging in business with them.”
Although the U.S. government remains convinced that
North Korea was behind the hack on Sony, several
security experts have expressed skepticism that the
country could have carried out such a massive attack
without some help from within the company itself.

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