Friday, January 2, 2015

Rihanna's leaked track is the best song of 2015

Do do do do do/ do do do do do," a leaked track uploaded to Youtube begins. Instantly, even without knowing who's singing, that voice stands out — Rihanna.
The pop star put out an album every year for seven years, then — without warning — took two years off. She didn't release an album. Her only single in 2014 was a duet with Shakira, "Can't Remember to Forget You." (Granted, that song was very popular.) In 2013, her only song was "Monster" with Eminem.
Rumors of a Rihanna album dropping sometime in 2015 have been circulating since early fall, and here — just two days into the new year — a song that sounds like it just might be a new Rihanna track has appeared.
"World Peace" isn't as lyrically heavy as "Stay" or as perfect for clubs as "We Found Love," but it's nice to have Rihanna's unmistakable voice back anyway. Happy 2015, everyone!

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