Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year's Eve stampede kills 35 on Shanghai's Bund tourist strip

SHANGHAI (Reuters) - A stampede killed at least 35 people
and injured 43 during New Year's Eve celebrations in
Shanghai, on the city's famed waterfront tourist strip known
as the Bund, authorities said.
The Shanghai government said that large crowds started to
stampede in Chen Yi Square on the Bund just before
midnight, with authorities working to rescue and aid the
It was not immediately clear what triggered the stampede.
The official Xinhua news agency said many of the injured
were students.
The government said on its official microblog that an inquiry
had begun, with city leaders rushing to the scene and to
hospitals to visit the injured. An emergency meeting would
be held to ensure stepped-up safety measures were taken
throughout the city.
Photographs on Weibo, the Chinese version of Twitter,
showed densely packed crowds of revelers along the Bund,
which is lined with buildings from Shanghai's pre-
communist heyday on the bank of the Huangpu River.
In some photographs, rescue workers were seen trying to
resuscitate victims lying on the pavement while ambulances
waited nearby.
Authorities had shown some concern about crowd control in
the days leading up to New Year's eve. They recently
canceled an annual 3D laser show on the Bund that last
year attracted as many as 300,000 people.
At dawn on Thursday, there were still small crowds of
revelers trying to find taxis home and workers were clearing
up trash strewn around the Bund. There was little sign of the
mayhem that had broken out just hours earlier.
(Reporting by Ben Blanchard and Pete Sweeney; Editing by
Howard Goller and Mark Bendeich)

Transgender teen's suicide note: ‘My death needs to mean something’ .

The suicide of a transgender teen is catching national attention in part because of a suicide note she left behind online.
Leelah Alcorn, 17, of Kings Mills, Ohio, was struck and killed by a tractor-trailer on I-71 about 2:30 a.m. on Sunday, according to local media.
Posthumous posts started to appear on her Tumblr page, titled “Lazer Princess,” includingher suicide note and a post apologizing to her closest friends.
“My death needs to mean something,” she wrote. “My death needs to be counted in the number of transgender people who commit suicide this year. I want someone to look at that number and say ‘that’s f---ed up’ and fix it. Fix society. Please.”
Alcorn's note explains that she has felt like a girl trapped in a boy’s body ever since she was 4. Then she cried tears of joy when she learned what transgender meant at 14.
“After 10 years of confusion I finally understood who I was,” the suicide note reads. “I immediately told my mom, and she reacted extremely negatively, telling me that it was a phase, that I would never truly be a girl, that God doesn’t make mistakes, that I am wrong.”
After her death, Alcorn’s mother was harshly criticized for referring to her child by her given name — “Joshua Ryan Alcorn” — and using male pronouns.
"My sweet 16 year old son, Joshua Ryan Alcorn went home to heaven this morning. He was out for an early morning walk and was hit by a truck,” the mother wrote.
Alcorn requested that all of her belongings and savings be donated to transgender civil rights movements and support groups.
WASHINGTON (AP) — A 95-year-old newlywed Virginia man has died just weeks after his 96-year-old wife was taken away by family members to Florida.
Eddie Harrison died Tuesday in a hospital after suffering from influenza, said Rebecca Wright, who was caring for the couple in their Alexandria, Virginia, home. Harrison became distressed after his wife and longtime companion, 96-year-old Edith Hill, was taken away, Wright said. Wright is Hill's daughter.
"He lived for her, and she lived for him. It's the love story of the century," Wright said, recalling how they would dance, take walks and care for each other.
Harrison and Hill's marriage this year after 10 years of companionship was disputed in court. Their wedding was problematic because Hill has been declared legally incapacitated for several years. Another of Hill's daughters, Patricia Barber, contested the marriage, saying it would complicate the eventual distribution of Hill's estate. But Hill and Harrison said they wanted to stay together.
A judge appointed a new guardian for Hill to protect her interests, removing Barber and Wright as guardians, but left the marriage intact.
The interracial aspect of the marriage also was unique because the two longtime Virginians would not have been allowed to marry if they had met in their 20s, 30s or 40s under state law at the time.
On Dec. 6, Hill's guardian arrived to take Hill away to Barber's home in Florida for what was supposed to be a two-week vacation. Police were called to the home during a traumatic 40-minute negotiation to convince Hill to leave, Wright said.
When Hill did not return home as planned after two weeks, Harrison began to realize she was not coming back, Wright said. Daisy Birch, a family friend, said Harrison was heartbroken. He also became ill with the flu and checked himself into a hospital.
A dispute continues between the two sisters, Barber and Wright, over Hill's affairs and place of residence.

Idaho Woman Shot by Son at Walmart Remembered as Scientist, Loving Mom

The young woman who was accidentally shot and killed by her 2-year-old son with her own gun is remembered as a loving mom and a scientist who was a star student at her rural high school.
Veronica Rutledge, who police say died after her toddler removed a concealed handgun from her purse at Walmart and shot her, worked at the Idaho National Laboratory. She was also a responsible gun owner, her father-in-law said.
Terry Rutledge described the 29-year-old woman as a "beautiful, young, loving mother" in an interview with The Associated Press.
"She was not the least bit irresponsible," he said. "She was taken much too soon."
Rutledge, who lived in Blackfoot, Idaho, died at the Hayden store Tuesday. She grew up about an hour away in St. Maries, where she was the valedictorian of her class at Kootenai High School, according to ABC affiliate KXLY. She graduated from North Idaho College with a chemistry degree in 2010, according to a commencement program, and has since been listed as a researcher or author on multiple scientific papers.
"The lab is very saddened by this tragic event and we offer our deepest sympathies to the family," Nicole Stricker of the Idaho National Laboratory told ABC News in a statement.
Rutledge and her husband, Colt Rutledge, married in 2009. Facebook photos show her in hunting gear or posing outside or with her son, as friends and family members post mournful messages.
Police said her son was sitting in a shopping cart in the electronics section of the Walmart when he removed the gun from her purse and fired the weapon just once, killing his mother instantly.
Walmart called the woman's death a "very sad and tragic incident" and said it is working with the Kootenai County Sheriff's Office to investigate the incident.

A 5-year-old newlywed Virginia man has died just weeks after his 96-year-old wife was taken away by family members to Florida.

Eddie Harrison died Tuesday in a hospital after suffering from influenza, said Rebecca Wright, who was caring for the couple in their Alexandria, Virginia, home. Harrison became distressed after his wife and longtime companion, 96-year-old Edith Hill, was taken away, Wright said. Wright is Hill's daughter.
"He lived for her, and she lived for him. It's the love story of the century," Wright said, recalling how they would dance, take walks and care for each other.
Harrison and Hill's marriage this year after 10 years of companionship was disputed in court. Their wedding was problematic because Hill has been declared legally incapacitated for several years. Another of Hill's daughters, Patricia Barber, contested the marriage, saying it would complicate the eventual distribution of Hill's estate. But Hill and Harrison said they wanted to stay together.
A judge appointed a new guardian for Hill to protect her interests, removing Barber and Wright as guardians, but left the marriage intact.
The interracial aspect of the marriage also was unique because the two longtime Virginians would not have been allowed to marry if they had met in their 20s, 30s or 40s under state law at the time.
On Dec. 6, Hill's guardian arrived to take Hill away to Barber's home in Florida for what was supposed to be a two-week vacation. Police were called to the home during a traumatic 40-minute negotiation to convince Hill to leave, Wright said.
When Hill did not return home as planned after two weeks, Harrison began to realize she was not coming back, Wright said. Daisy Birch, a family friend, said Harrison was heartbroken. He also became ill with the flu and checked himself into a hospital.
A dispute continues between the two sisters, Barber and Wright, over Hill's affairs and place of residence.

Gotv(dstve) price slashed from #5,200 to #2,500 with 1month free subscription.

You can now buy your gotv for 2,500naira with one month free subscription and you can watch 140channels. #cool indeed#.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un proposed the "highest-level" talks with South Korea Thursday, opening the way to a historic summit as his communist country battles to fend off international prosecution over its dismal human rights record. The sudden move, made during his traditional New Year message, would clear the path for the first top-level inter- Korean meeting since a 2007 meeting in Pyongyang. South Korean media said he was referring to a summit with South Korean President Park Geun-Hye. Kim also urged Washington to take a "bold shift" in its policy towards Pyongyang and denounced the US for leading an international campaign over the North's human rights record.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un
proposed the "highest-level" talks
with South Korea Thursday,
opening the way to a historic
summit as his communist country
battles to fend off international
prosecution over its dismal human
rights record. The sudden move,
made during his traditional New
Year message, would clear the
path for the first top-level inter-
Korean meeting since a 2007
meeting in Pyongyang. South
Korean media said he was referring
to a summit with South Korean
President Park Geun-Hye. Kim also
urged Washington to take a "bold
shift" in its policy towards
Pyongyang and denounced the US
for leading an international
campaign over the North's human
rights record.

Tokunbo Cars to cost more starting from today(January 1 2015)

As from first of January 2015, prices of imported used cars otherwise known as Tokunbo or second-hand cars are expected to go up as the second phase of the national automotive policy which was announced in November 2013, will commence.

Car dealers would be expected to pay the federal government 70% duty on all imported cars. FG had in 2013 introduced the national automotive policy with the view of encouraging local assemblage of automobiles in Nigeria, increasing the import tariff from 22% to 70%. The first phase of the policy involving the payment of 35% duty came into effect in February 2014 while the second phase which would have started in July this year was postponed to Jan. 2015.

After a darkness, A glorious dawn beckon for Nigeria. By Bola Tinubu.

After darkness, a glorious dawn beckons for Nigeria by Bola Tinubu

Text of the New Year message to Nigerians by the National Leader of the APC, Bola Tinubu...
As we enter a New Year today, it is all too easy to give in to despair and despondency at the current state of Nigeria. The gap between our tremendous potentials as a country and our actual attainments is depressing and disheartening. For a country as endowed with human, material and natural resources as Nigeria, the level of poverty in which the vast majority of our people live is appalling and unacceptable.  The voodoo statistics of illusory growth and progress peddled by those currently in charge of Nigeria’s affairs do not reflect the dire material circumstances of millions of Nigerians.
The ever widening inequality between the wealthy minority and the impoverished majority is fueled largely by a scale of corruption and outright theft of public funds that have reached unprecedented heights in today’s Nigeria. 
All of these are responsible for the large scale manifestation of sundry forms of violence and insecurity across the country that undermines the very foundations of the Nigerian state. Yet, the growing impunity of an arrogant, imperious and complacent presidency weaken the rule of law and prevent the purposeful and responsible governance necessary to tackle Nigeria’s severe challenges.
But then, despair is a luxury we can ill afford as a country and a people at this time. Despair breeds depression and a sense of hopelessness. This can only result in a paralysis of the popular will that will benefit those who want to lull us into collective inaction, so they can perpetuate their misrule of our much abused country. 2015 will be one of the critical and momentous years in the history of Nigeria. It must be a time to renew our hope in the possibilities of our country. Hope enables us to generate the strength to take the positive action as citizens to achieve the positive change Nigeria so badly needs today.
Another Nigeria is possible. A Nigeria where focused, visionary and competent governance vigorously tackles corruption, insecurity, poverty and promotes peace, progress and prosperity for all is attainable. After the current darkness, a glorious, new dawn for Nigeria is possible. But this needed change will not occur by chance. It can only be the result of deliberate and purposeful action on the part of our people to utilise democracy and popular power to achieve national liberation and transformation. 
If not urgently addressed, the stratospheric level of hunger, deprivation and inequality in the land will inevitably provoke a violent revolution in the land. Indeed, we already have a situation difficult to distinguish from bloody revolution on our hand. It manifests in the armed robbery, kidnapping, communal conflicts, religious extremism, terrorism and ritual killings rampant in Nigeria today. We have no choice but to be active participants in the common sense democratic revolution needed to salvage our country. It is a common sense revolution that must insist that legitimate power flows from the will people duly expressed in free and fair elections. Governments must assume and remain in power only at the pleasure of the people. That is the only way that democracy can promote development by ensuring that government is responsible and accountable to the people.  
My message to our fellow country men and women is thus simple: this year must be one of eternal vigilance on the part of us all. This is the price we must pay for our democratic rights and liberties as citizens. Let us make no mistake about it. The traumatic experience of the over 200 Chibok girls who have remained in captivity for over six months shows that plaintive cries to an impotent government to ‘bring back our girls’ have become insufficient. Rather, we must utilise the power of our vote to ‘take back our country’ from the predators and scavengers in the corridors and bedrooms of power that currently hold her hostage. This calls for eternal vigilance to exercise our vote and protect out sacred mandate at the polls.
As the careless, reckless, irresponsible and highly suspicious handling of the distribution of Permanent Voters Cards by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has shown, every effort will be made to disempower voters by a sinking and desperate administration. Millions of voters across the country have been disenfranchised in the flawed process. This subtle coup against the very foundation of democracy, voters’ power, must be challenged and resisted. Flaws in the process must be corrected. All eligible citizens must be enabled to exercise their inalienable right to vote for a government of their choice. This can only be achieved through eternal vigilance and persistence by the populace in insisting that the entire electoral process must be free, fair, transparent and credible.
Nigerians face a critical choice at the polls this year. We must vote for either continuity of the present decadent order or change. Yes, many state governments across the country have performed creditably in diverse sectors despite the meager resources at their disposal compared to the Federal Government. However, the PDP-controlled Federal Government, which controls the bulk of the country’s resources, has been an abysmal failure. It has failed to provide the necessary leadership for accelerated national development commensurate with its immense resources and its phenomenal powers under the present corruption. The Dr. Goodluck Jonathan Presidency in particular has been a catastrophic disaster.
The country today has degenerated to unprecedented levels of global obloquy as a result of the prevalent repellent levels of corruption, impunity, insecurity and leadership mediocrity. The greatest need of the hour is a drastic change of direction at the national level. It is the emergence of a visionary, responsible, patriotic, purposeful and competent Federal Government that will diligently pursue the path of transparency, accountability, respect for the rule of law, true federalism and justice without which there can be no national transformation. As I wish the good people of Nigeria a happy new year, I urge us to rededicate ourselves to the realization of the positive change on which the very survival of the country depends. Eternal vigilance must be our watchword this year.  
Asiwaju Bola Tinubu         

it seems Timaye have aquired a new house and if it's really true Big congratulation to him.

he uploaded this picture and made a tweet below.

Dear readers, when is your most challenging day in year 2014 and when is your happiest day?

Uncle Teebliz and Aunty Tiwa Savage expecting their first child.

Amazing news! Tiwa and Teebillz are expecting their first child together. Tiwa posted the pics above on her instagram and wrote "2015....Just the 3 of US...❤️ #AllGloryToGod". Big big congrats to them

Happy New Year!!!

may this year be a year of prosperity and achievement.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Fight over, Chris brown spotted again with his girlfriend after their last break up

It took a few backs and $1million in diamond rings - but the couple are fully back on. Chris and Karrueche were spotted walking their dog in Beverly Hills yesterday Dec. 26th...

Fight going on between Cameroun Army and Boko Haram

According to Cameronian investigative journalist, Etahoben, members of Boko Haram are currently engaging Cameroonian soldiers in a gun battle at Doublé and Magdeme communities, up north in Cameroon. The sect members killed a Cameroonian soldier and injured three others during a gun battle in Waza-Mora, Cameroon yesterday morning.

Photos: Super Eagles striker Brown Ideye buys $250k(45million naira) Rolls Royce

Super Eagles striker Brown Ideye, 26, who a few months ago signed a three-year deal with English Premier League club West Bromwich Albion, becoming the club's record signing at £10million, recently acquired a Rolls Royce Ghost Series II valued at around $250k. The photo of the car was shared on instagram by Ideye's friend and fellow footballer, John Ogu. Congrats to him

Saturday, December 27, 2014 North Korea blasts U.S over release of 'The Interview', calls Obama a monkey

North Korea called President Barack Obama "a monkey" and blamed the U.S. on Saturday for shutting down its Internet amid the hacking row over the comedy "The Interview."

North Korea has denied involvement in a crippling cyberattack on Sony Pictures but has expressed fury over the comedy depicting an assassination of its leader Kim Jong Un. After Sony Pictures initially called off the release in a decision criticized by Obama, the movie has opened this week.

On Saturday, the North's powerful National Defense Commission, the country's top governing body led by Kim, said that Obama was behind the release of "The Interview." It described the movie as illegal, dishonest and reactionary.

"Obama always goes reckless in words and deeds like a monkey in a tropical forest," an unidentified spokesman at the commission's Policy Department said in a statement carried by the official Korean Central News Agency.

"If the U.S. is to persistently insist that the hacking attack was made by the DPRK, the U.S. should produce evidence without fail, though belatedly," the statement publish by KCNA said.

He also accused Washington for intermittent outages of North Korea websites this week, after the U.S. had promised to respond to the Sony hack.

There was no immediate reaction from the White House on Saturday.

According to the North Korea commission's spokesman, "the U.S., a big country, started disturbing the Internet operation of major media of the DPRK, not knowing shame like children playing a tag."
The commission said the movie was the results of a hostile U.S. policy toward North Korea, and threatened the U.S. with unspecified consequences.

North Korea and the U.S. remain technically in a state of war because the 1950-53 Korean War ended with an armistice, not a peace treaty. The rivals also are locked in an international standoff over the North's nuclear and missile programs and its alleged human rights abuses. The U.S. stations about 28,500 troops in South Korea as deterrence against North Korean aggression.

You need to take a look at this psquare new costume for calabar festival.

The brothers, Kate Henshaw and other celebs are currently
at the Calabar Carnival in Cross River state. Check out their
pirate inspired outfits after the cut...

Wizkid release his latest video titled "Sound"

wizzy won't stop giving up Hits.

Kiss Daniel to feature davido

The WOjU master is on his mission to feature Davido aka OBO in his hit video title Woju Remix and I hope this is going to make another hit. watch out for the video.

if you are to name this girl, which name are you going to give her.

mine is Amarachi.

picture of the day.

Abeg make you take am easy for this Xmas period ooo.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Picture of the day!!!

chai" see gbege ooooo___see wetin person wan kill for this Xmas oooo. lol" funny pics

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Awof! Awof!! Awof!!!

The admin of this site is giving our patriot of this site Xmas freebies  to compensate them for be a useful user of this website . we are giving 10 people #1000 naira worth of recharge card and also 10people #500 worth of recharge card each and also giving 1 person a blackberry smart phone . what you need to do to be a winner of one of this freebie will be posted on this website soon. So WATCH OUT!!!

Merry Xmas and Happy New year in advance.

The Admin of this site is wishing friends and those people that made this site what it is a merry Xmas and happy new year in Advance, without you this site is nothing so we are saying a Big thank you to all our Christian friends and Muslim friends and followers  in the house and I pray that we will all see the light of next year and may God also let us receive the remaining blessing in this year.Once again I say Big thank you to all.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014


did you believe that the song + video titled "GHOST MODE" which phyno sang featuring OLAMIDE is the best song an artiste have ever featured Olamide and the song made a perfect feature. do you also remember the song OLAMIDE sang featuring phyno??? "Dope Money". the song really rock the town and I think the combination of this two musical god is very very massive and it's just like they are born from the same mother and how sweet it would have been if they are in the same label record but I hope they would be giving us another hit soon. WHAT IS YOUR OPINION ABOUT THIS???

Check how scary lil Wayne new tattoo look like.

describe his new look with this tattoo in one word.

Christian Ronaldo new statue unveiled *dem don turn this man to a God oooo..

Real Madrid/Portuguese superstar and current world footballer of the year Cristiano Ronaldo's new statue was unveiled in his hometown of Funchal, on the island of Madeira recently, and what caught people's attention was the massive bulge on his. Ronaldo is known to be a little vein, so did he specifically ask for that? ...I like it sha! Hehe! More photos after the cut...